Video Tip: How to schedule IGTV from your desktop?

Views on IGTV are skyrocketing and for good reason.

They had a shaky start, trying to compete with the big boys of video- YouTube. But with a few MAJOR tweaks to improve search functionality and connection to Instagram, people suddenly began to work out how to make these vertical videos profitable. Now, it’s going gangbusters.

Clothesline have started posting more of our video content to IGTV and sharing on the gram. We’ve been doing that from our desktop. You’ll need to have a Facebook business page in-order to do this. This is how you do it:

1. Login to Facebook and go to your business page

2. Go up to publishing tools and under the heading ‘Tools’, click on the creator studio

3. In the creator studio, click on the Instagram logo and connect your account (if you haven’t already)

4. Refresh the page, click on ‘Create Post’ and press ‘IGTV’ in the drop-down menu

5. Now, upload your .mp4 video and write your post

6. Under ‘choose where your post will appear’, tick the box (under Instagram) that says ‘share preview to feed’ to share the video as a post

7. To schedule, click on the arrow on the right of the ‘Publish’ box (in the bottom right corner) and press ‘schedule’. Now, select when (and what time) you want to publish and when finished, press the large blue ‘schedule’ button - your video will now be scheduled and the post-itself can be edited at anytime before then

Fun fact: Uploading to IGTV from your desktop means that you can upload videos up to 60min in length (instead of only 15min on your mobile device).